Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Operation Swing Set

Yes, today marks the day where Operation Swing Set begins for our household. As you read from previous posts, The Hubby and I (with the help of our friends) were clearing and setting up a place in our backyard for the Little One to get a swing set from her grandparents.

Tonight, a chainsaw wielding friend of ours is popping by our house to help take out more of the leftover tree stump. We are hoping to get it low enough that the stump will be below ground level. Therefore, it will no longer be a tripping hazard for running children.

Boulder status? Well, he is still in our yard. Yes, it has been determined that the boulder is a male and that his name is “Edward”. We have had some inquiries about people wanting to “adopt” Edward but once we sent a picture of him… we have not heard back from those people. Poor Edward... He’s going to start getting a complex.

Since Edward will be staying with us, Plan B has been instituted by the grandparents. Plan B involves expanding the slide platform so that it will fit over the boulder and the rest of the swing set will be built off of that. They have ordered three packages to be delivered to our house directly. The first of those packages arrived last night. We found a yellow plastic slide and components to a baby swing by our garage door. The other two packages should arrive over the next 2 or 3 days.

The Hubby’s homework assignment is to find a 16 ft treated 4x6 and somehow get it to our house. It should prove to be difficult since we are currently driving a Mercury Tracer.

**Note: This is not our particular car… but really close!

The grandparents will be arriving at the house very late Wednesday night (or early Thursday morning). The swing set construction will begin on Friday and last throughout the weekend. The grandparents are schedule to depart for home on Monday morning. It’s a “Slam! Bam! Thank you Ma’am!” type of trip.

The weather seems to be clearing up nicely for this weekend. The Hubby and I are thinking of throwing a BBQ together to help feed the people who are helping with this project… or at least provide the meat for said BBQ.

I’ll try to remember to take pictures during the production. For now, I’ll leave you a “before” picture of the yard.

Let Operation Swing Set Begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry I'll miss this! Have a great time and if you need to borrow my car, let me know. I can measure it later, but you might be able to get it in the back of my car with the seats down and the gate open. Then again, DDTTMG's might be longer.