Friday, May 22, 2009

Today's Horoscope - Too close for comfort!

You may be feeling a difficult internal conflict, dear Scorpio, based on the fact that you know there are things that you need to be doing and responsibilities that you need to be taking care of, but at the same time, you simply do not want to do them. You would much rather spend your day forgetting about your duties and just having a good time. Whatever you decide to do, commit to doing it, and do not let regret or guilt spoil the picture.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Like a sieve

I haven’t a clue what is going on this week… but it seems like I am forgetting things left and right. I literally came to work on Tuesday to find emails, which I could have sworn I sent on Monday, sitting in my draft folder. Someone gave me a quick call for just as quick of a request. *poof* Out of my head the request goes without being done.

It’s not even just happening at work. It seems to be happening at home too! It is simply one of those weeks were there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything accomplished and my mind is overloaded.

We are heading out this weekend to Augusta, GA for some family time with the in-laws. This is the first time the Little One is going on a plane. Have we packed yet? Nope! Why? I can’t seem to get to it. So, this mental list keeps scrolling in my head of stuff to pack… just another thing to have taking up “brain space”. Is it possible to rent extra “brain space” because that would be good time to time? We are looking forward to the extended weekend. It wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the generosity of said in-laws.

So, to those that read this, please accept this general apology. If I have forgotten to do something for you or tell you, please know that I am not up to my normal mental capability and that I am truly sorry for forgetting.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009


At a previous trip, I had narrowed down choices to two different bridesmaid dresses. However, I couldn’t determine which one that I wanted to wear. Since I had some time, I decided to wait before making the final decision. This past weekend, I dragged Cinnamon with me to the bridal store to help me pick out a bridesmaid dress for an upcoming wedding. I tried on the two dresses that I had picked from the last visit as well as a couple of dresses that Cinnamon wanted to see me in. I ended up picking a dress that was not even in the running last time. In fact, it wasn’t even in the stores. *chuckles* It’s a sleeveless dress no less! Who would have thought it? And the best part about the whole trip?? I WAS TRYING ON DRESS SIZES THAT WERE ONE STEP LOWER THAN THE LAST VISIT. WOOT! *does a little happy dance*

Ever the optimist, I scheduled my first fitting for the end of July in hopes that they will need to make further adjustments to the dress. Now, I just need to work on a tan. Don’t want to blind the wedding attendees when the sun hits my skin during the outdoor wedding. :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Little blurbs...

I ended last week with several small wardrobe malfunctions. I finally had to declare “Time of Death” to these comfortable black dress shoes. I simply wore them out. It was rather odd since these shoes were the newest addition to my small collection. I also had to continuous deal with a hem that was coming out. Again, I find this odd too since these pants were professionally altered about a month ago. I was quite the fashion plate with paper clips holding the hem in place and scotch tape trying to hold the worn sole to the rest of the shoe. I guess clothes and shoes are not made the same way anymore. Now, the question is: do I repair the hem myself by hand with actual thread /needle? Or do I go back to the place where the alterations were made and demand that they redo it? As for the shoes, I still have a balance left on a gift card. I am hoping that I will be able to get a replacement pair of shoes with that.


I can get used to this Mother’s Day business. This year is my 2nd Mother’s Day holiday participation as a mom. I got to sleep in while The Hubby got up to take care of the Little One. I woke up around 10 am to the delicious smell of pancakes coming from the tray The Hubby was holding near the bed (and the sound of my daughter crawling on the floor). We had a bit of errands that we had to do since we spent Saturday at a friend’s BBQ and the Tulip Festival. I didn’t mind though. We did stop by a nearby park so that the Little One can get her first taste of a swing. She seemed to really enjoy it! The weather was a bit chilly thanks to the intense wind so this was a very short park trip. Well worth it though! I can’t wait until we can take her to the park on a more regular basis.


I have tomorrow off from work. Mental Health Day! The Hubby and I are planning to take advantage of our daughter being in daycare to catch up on some movie(s) (if we can find it in the budget to do so). We are both “foaming at the mouth” to see the new Star Trek movie that just hit the theatres this past weekend. Downside? Don’t get to sleep in since someone has to take the Little One to said daycare. The Hubby is going to spend the morning working on job hunting so that the day is not lost. Oh well! Small sacrifice if we can pull it off!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Little bit about me...

Lately, I’ve been trying to find the old me. It is so darn easy to lose oneself with the stuff that needs to be done with a small child and full time job. I am finding myself with more available time now that The Hubby is home. I am hopping on the treadmill (or walking around the neighborhood) almost every day to help the weight loss. (No, I still haven’t hit that next 5 lb mark that I mentioned in a previous post. Hopefully, I will get there soon.) I am running out of my prepaid WW coupons. I am a bit anxious with the thought that I won’t be going to WW meetings. The meetings really do help if I do find them a bit cheesy or boring at times. They help reset the “week” for me. However, I can’t really seem to be able to justify the money spent on the weekly fee while there are more important bills to pay. I am really hoping that our new health insurance has an option for preventive health steps such as Weight Watchers.

Anyways… back to the topic on hand… Last night, I dug out a cross stitch project that The Hubby bought me ages ago. I haven’t worked on any type of crafts in a long, long time so I’m a bit rusty. Here is a picture of the finished product (minus the frame):

I’m not sure what I am going to do with it once I am done with the project… perhaps give it away as a gift? Or sell it? Will have to ponder that.

The one part, I am having trouble with is keeping the “Inner Nag” on a leash. With everything is going on, I am really trying not to compound it by letting it loose. However, lately, it has been lashing out unexpectedly… mostly when the stress of our financials over runs my thoughts. I just hope that The Hubby realizes that I really am trying. I know that he is not the best of moods lately as anyone who is job searching in today’s market.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Photo courtsey of: