Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Letter to a sales rep…

Yes, I understand that your lively hood is based on the business that you bring in for your company. I do not fault you for that. I’ve been there and understand the process completely.

Out of curiosity, I contacted you yesterday to ask for pricing on a custom company promo item. Yes, I’ve already contacted our usual vendor. However, I like to make sure that we get the best deal for our money. You promptly set up a meeting to meet with me this morning. Although I was not too happy about having a face-to-face meeting about this, it would give me an opportunity to see who I may be working with. So, I agreed to the meeting.

What a waste of my time. I find it highly unprofessional for you to make an appointment with me and not show up with the information that I’ve requested. It is a waste of my time as a consumer / potential client. You also use our precious time to make a sales pitch for a completely unrelated item for your wife’s business. It is obviously that you did not have a clear idea … heck! Even a basic idea what our needs are.

Then, you turn around and say that you might get the information to me by the end of the day… but most likely by Monday. Pointless!

Thank you for nothing.

Monday, August 16, 2010

My thoughts exactly…

Generally, we all find Monday’s a bit difficult to start off. No one really wants the weekend to end even though we like receiving the paychecks. Alas, when that alarm goes off, we find ourselves struggling to pull ourselves together.

This Monday was no different around my household. The Hubby and I both played a good bout of the snooze dance with our respective alarm clocks. Although, my alarm clock almost won this dance off since I apparently didn’t hear my alarm going off for the first 20 minutes…. Therefore, it threw off my snooze to wake calcuations off this morning.

I grudgingly got up and try to do something decent with my hair for work … the hair that desperately needs a haircut. Solution? I pulled it back into a hair clip. There…done …

Apparently, the “case of the Mondays” was contagious for my 2 year old too. I walked into the Little One’s room to start waking her up. Before I even turned on the light, she started crying / whining “no, I want to sleep”. I told her to go ahead and lay there while I pull out her clothes and clean her glasses. (It’s amazing how dirty her glasses get after one day. I clean the lenses every morning. That is beside the point). So she stayed in bed… and continued to whine. I eventually picked her up and gave her a hug. I carried her to the living room so that she can watch her morning cartoons and drink some milk. She was not too happy with that. She jumps off the couch and runs back into her room and goes to bed.

I simply couldn’t fight her on this… because frankly, I wanted to do the same damn thing that she just did. Although annoying and making me even more late, I thought it was rather cute. So, I left her in her room for a few minutes while I start getting dress. About mid way, I went into her room… she was still whining in bed. I push her pillow up to the head of the bed so she can sit up and have her milk there. Apparently a sippy of milk to her is equivalent of a cup of coffee for an adult. *smirks* I finished getting dress and the Little One hops out of bed with the normal enthusiam and happy go lucky self.

We all made it to our destinations this morning in one piece…. Even if it was a very sleepy… don’t want the weekend to end… piece.

How did your Monday start off?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another week comes to an end...

Cooler Nights

The air conditioner does not work at our house… nor has it ever worked since we purchased the house. However, The Hubby and I have not spent money on fixing it. The area that we live in doesn’t have too many warm nights so it would seem like a waste. (Or, it could be just plain laziness in not wanting to research & hire HVAC mechanic… either way) This summer has given us a few pretty warm nights. Personally, I do not sleep well during these times despite the ceiling fan, the box fan, and the oscillating fan. I love to snuggle down deep in the comforter. So, I am really enjoying these few nights of cooler temperatures.

Adults evening out

The Hubby and I are heading out for an overnight stay for an evening wedding. Despite the fact that I am pretty sure that I am going to feel old (I’ve known the bride since she was 11 year s old), I am looking forward to this little get-away. What in particular? Getting dressed up, designated driver, seeing old friends, oh and getting to sleep in the next morning for the Little One will be home. Bonus!

Go ValleyCats!

The Hubby, Little One, and I went to a local single A baseball game this last week with some friends. It was good to get out for a good hometown fun. It was a nice night out weather wise… and the home team did a pretty good job. It was hard to see that the stadium took some money saving steps though. The food was sub-par. In my mind, it was a big mistake for us to have the stadium food for dinner. One friend bought a pretzel for $3.50 and it was ½ of a regular pretzel. You could see where they cut it with a knife. Despite the food, we had a good time so I’m sure we will go again before the season ends. Just note to self… eat before hand.

Friday, August 6, 2010

More Friday Randomness

Prayers to the God of Cars

This has been a rough week in my life … and my wallet. Our car (our only car) is starting to come to the point in its life that repairs are becoming more and more expensive. It is generally the point that the owner should look into buy a new car before dumping too much money into the old one. Alas, that’s not going to happen… hopefully our car will be a good car for a bit longer for we need more time to get things in line before a new car joins our family. Here’s to hoping and praying!


I’ve been lucky to have seen several musicals / shows in my lifetime. Due to several factors, I haven’t been able to go to a show recently. One of the shows that I’ve had the privilege of seeing was Miss Saigon. I was lucky to see this back when I was in college on a school trip. I love this musical! I can easily say that it is one of my top shows I’ve seen. Why am I bringing this up? I’ve been hearing commercials that this show is coming to a locate theatre this month. To all my local readers, go see this! I am positive that you will like it too!

Turning a new leaf

Recently at work, my job duties turned the corner by entering into the new fiscal year. With that transition, I’ve been taking up this opportunity to streamline some stuff as well as general clean up on my desk. It seems to be carrying over to my life outside of work. I’m getting back on track with what I eat and soon exercising. We are working on getting our finances back under control by taking dramatic steps in getting rid of this debt once and for all. I think I feel more of a renewal with August starting than I did back in January with the actual calendar New Year.

Wedding stuff

It’s hard to believe that in less than 2 months, I will be helping/witnessing one of my good friends to walk down the aisle. I am getting so excited to see this special day! Yet, there is so much to do! This weekend, Little One and I are going to our first alterations appointment. Now that the dresses are here (and Little One’s getting made), I need to start shopping for shoes for the two of us! That is going to be a challenge! Also, with the bridal shower out of the way, we are currently working on the bachelorette party. I think it will do a world of good to have one small trip away with the girls to relax and have fun.

Late Summer / Early Fall Schedule

The Hubby and I realize last night that we are going to be extremely busy over the next 2 months. These months are filled with a multiple events that we are both very much looking forward to. We get to see a lot of long distance friends and family throughout our packed schedule. Can’t wait! I just hope that we are able to arrange our money and other resources so that we can accomplish it all.