Friday, August 13, 2010

Another week comes to an end...

Cooler Nights

The air conditioner does not work at our house… nor has it ever worked since we purchased the house. However, The Hubby and I have not spent money on fixing it. The area that we live in doesn’t have too many warm nights so it would seem like a waste. (Or, it could be just plain laziness in not wanting to research & hire HVAC mechanic… either way) This summer has given us a few pretty warm nights. Personally, I do not sleep well during these times despite the ceiling fan, the box fan, and the oscillating fan. I love to snuggle down deep in the comforter. So, I am really enjoying these few nights of cooler temperatures.

Adults evening out

The Hubby and I are heading out for an overnight stay for an evening wedding. Despite the fact that I am pretty sure that I am going to feel old (I’ve known the bride since she was 11 year s old), I am looking forward to this little get-away. What in particular? Getting dressed up, designated driver, seeing old friends, oh and getting to sleep in the next morning for the Little One will be home. Bonus!

Go ValleyCats!

The Hubby, Little One, and I went to a local single A baseball game this last week with some friends. It was good to get out for a good hometown fun. It was a nice night out weather wise… and the home team did a pretty good job. It was hard to see that the stadium took some money saving steps though. The food was sub-par. In my mind, it was a big mistake for us to have the stadium food for dinner. One friend bought a pretzel for $3.50 and it was ½ of a regular pretzel. You could see where they cut it with a knife. Despite the food, we had a good time so I’m sure we will go again before the season ends. Just note to self… eat before hand.

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